
Hope From Trials
Rejoice at the Lord's refining hand
As the trials of this wicked land
Work to bring you hope.

For trials make you stronger;
Yes, endurance holds on longer
To the promises of God.

The greater your grip, the better
You're able to prove your character
And the hope you have within.

Hope leads you to your glory -
The eternal Spirit who is Holy,
From God and in your heart.

(Based on Romans 5:3-5, ESV)
November 4, 2011

King Kong's Bubble Gum
There once was a monkey named Kong
Who grew to be big and strong.
He could blow a gum bubble
Which got him in trouble
When his mommy said it was wrong.

“Someday you’re gonna be king
And, oh, your praises they’ll sing.
But a bubble of gum
Makes you look dumb
And isn’t the right kind of bling.”

So Kong fled with his bubble
Which was stuck in his stubble;
Cuz his mother was wrong,
The gum lasted long,
And Kong never had any trouble.

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