Monday, August 21, 2023

Setting the House

 Yesterday, we drove out there in the early afternoon and did a walk-around the house with the movers.  They pointed out some things that will need to be addressed in order for the house to pass inspection.  I took pictures of all the light switches and outlets so I could get an accurate count for the new ones I want to buy.  I didn't get any other pictures because we were kind of in a rush to get food after.  But when we got home I started looking for someone to help us install the chimney stack. 

We decided to go with city water and have them come down our street like they're supposed to, instead of bothering our neighbor for an easement.  Let's hope they can get out here soon!

We also think we'll be following the recommendation of the mover and using block skirting instead of the faux stone we found.  This will help with drainage and keep our house from getting water underneath it.

1 comment:

Rick Phillips said...

I think both are good decisions. Block makes much more sense in the wooded area. Insulate well and guard your pipes no matter. But if they freeze block will help get them fixed faster and better.