Tuesday, December 5, 2023

We found a plumber!

 Max and I met with 2 potential plumbers yesterday to see about getting the septic hooked up, the water line rerun, and the outside spigots replaced.  The front one is broken and there isn't one on the back, so I asked to have one added.  It was really hard to choose between the two plumbers - both were really great, but we ended up going with the one that was budget-friendly.  

Turns out our septic tank has floated (literally floated out of the ground and the hole it was buried in!) because it wasn't filled with water when it was installed (to weigh it down) and needs to be reset.  It came unhooked from the drain field when that happened, so the whole thing has to be hooked back up again.  The plumber is going to do all that, hook it up to the house, rerun the water line with a new regulator and shut off valve for less than his original quote, and he said he'd replace/install the spigots for free!  He's going to get to work on Thursday!

Septic tank buried back in September

Septic tank floated as of December

 I'm a little confused about what to do with electric stuff under the house. Apparently, we have a bunch of wires that aren't connected to anything? Some have been put in boxes, but I don't think they should stay there forever. We removed the old security system, but I think some of the wires are still in the walls. I was told by the inspectors that wires need to be in boxes and tucked under the belly board, making them harder to access. And then I was told by our HVAC guy that they have to be accessible to be up to code. Seems I need to do my own research on this one!

We were blessed with a nice bonus from hubby's work so I've been able to get some replacement mirrors for the bathrooms, some new faucets for the sinks, new matching lamps for the guest room and DP's office, and some other little odds and ends we need like dead bolts and door knobs that match the ones I got before.

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