Thursday, June 29, 2023

Update from Excavator and Surveyor

 Excavator:  The clearing is close to being done, they're about to dig the hole that they are burying tree tops/trunks in (on the opposite side of our drainage ditch), and come Monday they'll be ready to start building the house pad (the level ground/dirt that the house will sit on with footers).

Surveyor:  The county finally sent them the correct plat map.  Some jobs ran over last week and the rain we got caused them to run behind schedule, but they are coming out on July 4th (yes, working on the holiday) to do our lot. 

I finished another door and both drawers, contacted a septic system installation company, and have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to keep everyone updated on what's going on.  I also talked to my dad about coming up with plans for the decks he's going to build for us yesterday.  Overall, I'm really happy with how things are progressing!  July and August are going to be big, exciting months!

Edit:  Here are some pictures of the lot so far (I want to go myself and take better ones):


Rick Phillips said...

The site looks wonderful. Big changes in a little space.

Rachel said...

For sure!