Thursday, November 21, 2013

Researching an Old, Healthy Diet

Lately, I've been researching an old, healthy diet that I think I need to try.  No, it's not for weight loss, or weight management, or anything like that.  It's for the health of me and my body.  

Celiac disease has taken its toll.  Even being on the gluten-free diet, I still don't feel the way I know I should.  My stomach still gives me issues, my head aches and throbs for no apparent reason sometimes, and I'm less energetic than I know I can be.  

If you've read my household blog,, you know that I've been researching all natural skin care products, hair care products, and cleaning products, and I've been pleasantly surprised with almost everything I've tried in the past year.  It feels so good to be rid of those unhealthy, chemically-laden, cancer-causing, commercial products that plague our everyday lives.  What's worse is that they are being passed off as "good and necessary" things!   

While researching all the different products I mentioned above, I stumbled upon some articles about the additives (artificial flavors and food coloring, etc.) and carcinogens disguised as preservatives (BHT, BHA, etc.) they put into our foods (aka processed foods).  I couldn't believe that even some of the so-called healthy foods that we are being sold are filled with these sorts of things!  

A few days ago, my mom sent me an article about the same toxins being found in gluten-free foods (and even in higher concentrations than non-gluten-free foods) and, I admit, I was disheartened to hear that the diet I have been prescribed to follow is nothing but a basic surface diet.  It not only neglects to eliminate all of the contributors to my poor health, but it also deceives me into believing that gluten-free foods are "safe" when in reality, they may very well be even more toxic!  

It seems to me like it's a feeble attempt to keep Celiac patients hanging dependently on their doctor's every word.  We're supposed to trust the experts, aren't we?  At least, that's what we've been told to do because the experts know what they are talking about and have our best interest in mind.  

Yeah, right.  If that's true, why aren't they telling us to go on the Paleo diet?  
(Y'know, the way human beings used to eat, back before meals were packaged and sold to us in convenient little cardboard boxes?  I knew I admired the Native Americans for a reason.

  • They exercised dominion over the animals and used every resource the animals had to offer so as not to be wasteful.  Every part had a use.
  • They ate off the land and tended to the plants and fields surrounding their villages, the way God first commanded Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.  

At the end of the article about the toxins found in gluten-free foods, there was a link to the author's research on the Paleo diet and I started looking into it for myself to see if it was something that might actually help me in my search for Celiac symptom relief.  I honestly have to say, I wish I had thought about food this way from the beginning.  

- If wheat nowadays is so heavily laden with chemicals and is genetically modified beyond my body's ability to digest, common sense would have me wonder about the genetic and chemical properties of all the other foods I eat on a daily basis! - 

What I found was incredibly encouraging, even though the concept was incredibly simple.  The Paleo diet is basically the hunter-gatherer diet.  It consists of things you can hunt or find, such as the following foods*:
  • Meat - GRASS-FED, not grain-fed. Grain causes the same problem in animals as they do in humans.
  • Fowl - Chicken, duck, hen, turkey…things with wings that (try to) fly.
  • Fish - Wild fish, as mercury and other toxins can be an issue in farmed fish
  • Eggs - Look for Omega-3 enriched eggs.
  • Vegetables - As long as they’re not deep-fried, eat as many as you want.
  • Oils - Olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil – think natural.
  • Fruits - Have natural sugar, and can be higher in calories, so limit if you’re trying to lose weight.
  • Nuts - High in calories, so they’re good for a snack, but don’t eat bags and bags of them.
  • Tubers - Sweet potatoes and yams.  Higher in calories and carbs, so these are good for right after a workout to replenish your glycogen levels.
That's the way our ancestors ate before processed foods came along.  You can read about it here (and I strongly encourage you to do so!):
(*Note: list taken from The Beginner's Guide to the Paleo Diet website)
The health benefits are for everyone, not just Celiac patients.  If you're living on processed foods like all the other obese, diabetic, and chronically ill people in America, how long do you really think your body can last without developing those same problems?  Our bodies weren't made to be nourished by fake foods.  Our bodies consist of delicate, sensitive vital organs, tissues, and cells which can only function properly with specific nutrients and dietary requirements that just aren't being advocated enough by national experts or doctors.     

The research is out there.  So, why aren't doctors recommending this diet when treating their patients?   

I don't know about you, but I think it's time I went Paleo.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Don't Kill With Your Words

"If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."

I grew up hearing this, soaking it in, and applying it to my own life.  Being the nurturing, tenderhearted peacekeeper that I am, it made perfect sense.  Why waste your breath saying something negative, especially if it will cause conflict or hurt feelings?  We're called by God to build people up, not tear them down. 

They say that sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you.  The Bible says otherwise:

Job 19:2 “How long will you torment me and break me in pieces with words?"

Psalm 64:3 "...Who whet their tongues like swords, who aim bitter words like arrows..."

Proverbs 10:19 "When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent."

Proverbs 12:18 "There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."

Imagine forming a hurtful comment in your mind.  I'll give you time to come up with something.

Got it?  

Now consider this...
Would you say that hurtful comment to God?  
How do you think it would make Him feel?  
Would you regret saying it?  
Proverbs 17:27 "Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding."

When we neglect to hold our tongue for people when we should, we neglect to hold it for Jesus, as well.  
"Then he will answer them, saying, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.'"  Matthew 25:45

My paraphrase of Jesus's words:
"The way you treat other people is the way you treat me."

I hope to instill this in my future children.  Speaking unkind words to others shows a lack of spiritual maturity, respect for your fellow brothers and sisters, and love for the Savior.  It is a non-reflection of Christ's love and character, and is a bad example to set for the watching world.

I've been torn down a good deal recently and I've felt the pain of more unkind words in the past five years than I have in my whole life combined.  The rest of what I have to say is directed at the people who have played a part in tearing me down with their words.  Your words don't just hurt me.  They hurt God and my husband, too.  I don't care what kind of grievances you have against me.  Your unkind words are uncalled for and unwelcome.  If you would rather choose to continue with your disrespect toward me, know that Daniel and I would rather choose to discontinue our communications with you.  We have no room in our lives for people who choose to tear us down.