Following a low-carb diet has made a tremendous impact on my numbers. For the past 3 days my numbers have stayed under 200, hovering mostly around 120. Now, however, I finally have the tool that's going to change everything, that's going to tell me how to blow Carrie away.
This book has made a huge difference in the lives of diabetics everywhere - I only wish I'd known about Dr. Bernstein's method sooner. But now I'm ready, now I'm motivated, now I'm determined to put good diabetes management into practice. Now I'm going to do what I always thought was impossible and achieve normal blood sugars.
Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your encouragement. Thank you for your support.
Please continue to spur me on as I run this race with increasing endurance. May God receive all the glory as I embrace this gift He's given me (yes, diabetes is a gift!) and continue to improve my healthcare in the way I feel I should to be the best steward of this earthly body that I can.
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