Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Starting to Prime!

 Today hubby and I went to the house with bro-in-law and fiancee.  We worked on finishing taping, sanding the drywall mud on the patches, and priming the hall bathroom (first coat)!  Once we finish with the drywall patches, and sand them, we can prime in the master bathroom and kitchen as well.   

We have also been working on putting together our new toilet, but realized we are short the water supply line so we need to buy one of those.  

We are going to take advantage of the sale going on at the paint store until Monday and get the paint we need all at once.

We are still waiting to hear about approval from the inspector.  Hopefully by the end of the week! 

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Inspection Update and Working on the House

We've been hard at work on the flooring, taping, and other projects in the house.  Turns out the toilets both need their guts replaced so hubby's dad has been working on that.  I've been working on preparing the drywall for mud where the paper was torn by applying a coat of protective sealant on it.  Hubby's been working on the floor, and doing a great job!  Hubby's mom has been enjoying her time watching Max for us.  Then hubby's youngest brother and his fiancee came and were helping us tape so that we can start priming the kitchen for paint.  We got the primer and a panel of sheet rock to make the drywall repairs.

We finally heard back about the inspection.  There were two pipes under the house that became disconnected so we will be putting them back in place and taping whatever needs taping tomorrow.  We also have to send the inspector via the movers the copy of the geological report that was done in December for the compaction test.  Then we should be good to go!  Hopefully by the end of the week we'll have the green light for getting the electric!  Mom & Dad are leaving on Tuesday so we're trying to get as much work done as we can before they go.  

Oh!  We also discovered water dripping down under the house from the hot water heater!  Looked like it had just rusted out on us so Monday morning we are getting a new one installed!  Crazy about the timing - the inspector didn't mention it (thankfully) so we think it happened after he came by.  And when the plumbers tested our water the hardness level came back at a 7-8 (medium hard) and the chlorine level was as high as a swimming pool!  So we know we'll need a whole house water softener and chlorine remover.  But that will probably have to wait until a little later.     

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Working on the house

 So we were just informed today that the state has 21 business days to do the inspection, if they so choose.  Apparently, they can choose not to.  If the movers don't hear anything by Aug 5 (the 21st day), they can tell us we passed and we can move in.  It makes no sense since we were told that they are strict about mobile homes meeting certain criteria, but I guess if they're backlogged enough and a good contractor like the movers are in charge of making sure things are up to standard, they can pass it without looking at it.  Anyway, we are going to continue to work on the inside this week and next with the goal of moving as much stuff over there as we can when the work is done to satisfaction on the inside.

 Hubby's family drove down yesterday and we went over to the house after church and lunch today for a few hours.  We worked on removing the old vanity in the master bath, removing the old baseboard trim in the dining room, and figuring out floor stuff.  My dad is also planning to come out to work on the front door tomorrow and we're going to pick up his generator for him.  Pray the rain holds off enough!  Thankfully, all our work is inside so the rain doesn't matter as much but it does make it muddy.  

Our plan is to work on the rest of the baseboards, laying the flooring, and making the drywall repairs.  Then the paint store is having a sale this weekend so we're getting the paint so we can put it on the walls.  Yay!  Then we will start moving stuff over to the house.

No pictures because my phone screen is broken and is being repaired at the shop until Tuesday.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Request for Inspection has been Submitted!

I met the new chimney guy yesterday morning to get the pipe vent hooked back up to the skirting. 

He was done in 30 minutes and was able to reuse the existing materials, so the cost was under budget.  We'll use him in the future for our chimney needs, since not many others will come out to our area.

I contacted the movers and told them it was done.  They submitted our request for the state inspection and told us it'd be done within 2 weeks, so we are hoping to be able to move the last week(s) of July! 

After he left I decided to stay and finish painting the fireplace.  I got the hearth and bottom stones done, but there are a few spots that need some touch up work.  But I'm very happy with it!

The finished fireplace

Last night I called my dad to see when he could make it out to work on re-framing the doors. He couldn't promise anything but said he'd try for tomorrow (today).  I want to go out there and see him if he does go, but I also have stuff to pack at home.  Hubby's family has told us that they'll be coming to visit and help with getting the house ready and moving in the weekend of the 20th.  We have so much to do, and we also want to be able to just spend time with them.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Today's Project: Whitewashing the Fireplace!

I have been wanting to start on this project for a while now and we finally took the time to get it going! 

Close up

Showing the fireplace with the floor

 It took us longer than I thought but I absolutely love it!  Next time we'll finish it by painting the hearth step and bottom row of blocks.  But I think it will only need one coat.