Monday, September 30, 2024

Work at the house. Still no electricity!

 Hubby and I went out to the house yesterday to get some more work done.  My dad and brother also came to help us get the sliding glass door taken care of.  They managed to get the old door out, though it was screwed in all the way around, and some of the siding had to be cut/removed.  They then had to cut the door frame a little bit so the new door, which is taller, would fit.  It got to be 8pm by that time so we left the actual installation for today.  

I also checked to see if the electric meter was installed and discovered it hadn't been yet.  I emailed the lady at the electric company back to tell her and she discovered that I should've been told, but wasn't, that some of the trees we trimmed back in November had grown out again and were now back in the way of them running the power lines.  UGH!  So I'm waiting to hear back about which trees and I'm also trying to find someone who can help us trim them ASAP.  At least everything has been approved.  I'm just tired of dealing with these stupid snags!

Hubby's family is planning to come down again this Wednesday for over a week to help us with the house/moving, etc.  I'm trying not to freak out but I'm 36 weeks pregnant and really need to be in our new house before the baby comes!    


Kim Stevenson said...

Hope it all goes smoothly! Praying!

Anonymous said...

Oh heck 36 weeks is only one more than 35. :)