Friday, January 23, 2015

Amazing Improvement in 2 Weeks!

I'm amazed...simply blown away.  God has shown me such kindness by placing me with a Nurse Practitioner who truly knows her stuff.  She doesn't just tell me what to do - she listens to me and suggests things based on what I know about how my body responds.

It's been 2 weeks since my appointment with Carrie and right from the start I noticed a difference in my numbers.  After 2 weeks, I'm truly excited about what I'm seeing - it's not just a fluke or a one time's real, actual improvement!  After years of struggling with a seemingly hopeless roller coaster, a recent attitude change on my part, and a slight insulin tweak, I'm seeing a huge difference in my numbers for the better!  See for yourself! 

Here are the stats:
  • From January 10-16 (Week 1), my average blood sugar was 197.  The red line shows my average number for this week.
  • From January 17-23 (Week 2), my average blood sugar was 156.  The blue line shows my average number for this week.
  • There is a 21% average blood sugar improvement between Week 1 & 2. 
  • Week 1 has 33% in target.
  • Week 2 has 47% in target!
 photo Success metrics 1-23-15_zpsiewfwlmm-1.jpg

Thank you all for following my Diabetic Journey, and for walking with me as I continue to take steps to improve my blood sugar numbers.  Achieving a normal A1C has always seemed like an impossible feat, but as I press on toward the goal and rest in Jesus's strength and power I see the impossible become possible.

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