Monday, January 8, 2024

Patching up the Underbelly Part 1

 On Saturday, hubby and I dropped Max off with my sister & her hubby and headed out to the house with what little underbelly tape and black duct tape we had.  We found LOTS of holes from where the plumber cut open the underbelly material to replumb the house.  We ended up patching the little holes and leaving the big ones for later.  We ran out of tape and realized we were going to need to order more material.

Our order of underbelly material and tape should be arriving this Friday, in time for us to go back out there and work on it Saturday.  It's also not supposed to rain then but be really cold.  Thankfully, it's decently warm under the house.  There was also a lot of trash (and cigarette butts, which I was not happy to find!) under there that I would like cleaned out.  Some of the insulation fell out and got wet, too. 

We are trying to figure out the grading issue in the front of the house.  I'm also checking to see if our backup HVAC guy can help us get the furnace vent pipe taken care of.  Then I just need Dad to work on the deck this weekend, and a picture of the chimney flashing.

1 comment:

Rick Phillips said...

Wrap those pipes well. I hate it when pipes freeze. That is some awful stuff