Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Long time, no update!

 I know it's been a while since my last house update.  Allow me to explain why (if you're not already aware of what's been happening).  

Of course, nothing happened the way I thought it would.  Our whole little family came down with a sinus infection the first and second week of April, and when we finally recovered, I was apparently hit with a case of post-infection reactive arthritis.  All my joints and muscles from ankles and knees to hands/wrists and elbows hurt!  I was basically bedridden for the next month until I was able to see a rheumatologist who also specializes in autoimmune diseases.  I saw her last week and she had me go get a bunch of blood work done so we could get to the bottom of things, and she gave me a week long dose of steroids to help fight the inflammation.  It has worked tremendously and I'm finally able to function without too much pain (only my knees are still giving me trouble when I crouch down).  We are still waiting for lab results to come back but hopefully this week we'll have some answers!

As far as the house goes, we are having two layers of block put in place around the foundation of our concrete pad to keep water out from under the house.  Then we are putting the vinyl skirting back up, albeit cut to fit on top of the block.  I drove out there today to pick up our trailer to make a dump run and snapped a few pictures.  I'll go back out there tomorrow to pay the guys for the work.  They are also installing the French drains to help us with water issues.  Then we should finally have everything ready for inspection (as long as the movers give us the sticker of approval!).  Still not sure when we'll be moving.  We had to wait until there wasn't much rain because the clay soil is impossible to work in when it's wet. 

So that's where we are.  We still need to put down the floor.  My dad is going to work on re-framing our doors this weekend, yay!  Still need to do drywall repair, priming, and painting, along with other trim out work and decorating.  But slowly but surely progress is being made. 

1 comment:

Rick Phillips said...

Oh I know you are excited. It looks great.