Sunday, June 2, 2024

Laying down the Flooring!

Second layer of block going in on the front

Second layer of block on the back

A spot in the underbelly that will need to be repaired

 Hubby and I went out to the house today and yesterday and worked on gluing down the floor in 3 different rooms.  We were also told by the movers that they had an "all hands on deck" project and will have to pick up where they left off with the block laying and skirting and grading this week (as long as the rain keeps away).  

Anyway, we finished the flooring in the guest room (minus the closet) and we got 90% of the school room done.  We also started gluing down the flooring in hubby's office. 

Hubby's office (just glued down that back section)

Guest room, looking toward the closet (all done, minus closet)

Guest room, looking in from the doorway (all done)

School Room (90% done)
There are still some places where the original vinyl flooring is sticking up and we're alternating between stapling it down so it's flat for putting the new vinyl over top of it, and just ripping it up.  There's so much in the school room that we're stapling it down, so we have to do that first before we can finish gluing down the floor that is against the wall you can't see in the picture above.  

Hubby's office also has some old vinyl sticking up, but we may rip it up if we don't have enough staples.  We ripped out the vinyl in the hallway so now it's all a flat level surface.

We are so in love with the way it looks!  It's going to look amazing with freshly painted walls, once we get to that step!

My dad wasn't able to get out to work on re-framing the doors this weekend.  Hopefully next weekend will work better.


Rick Phillips said...

I like the floor. It is cool. Good work kids. :)

Rachel said...
