Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Trim Delivery and Work Outside

 I drove out to the house this afternoon to meet the trim delivery guy.  Everything went smoothly.  Now I'm working out which miter saw to buy so we can cut it.  

Baseboard Trim & Shoe Molding
Of course, the rest of the flooring needs to be installed first, and power is needed for the saw, so we'll have to wait until after we pass inspection and get electric hooked up to work on the trim.  BUT I talked to the mover guys at the house as well as the head guy and he said they should be finished and ready for the follow-up inspection tomorrow and then they can contact the state for approval!  So not much longer!  Here are the pictures of the outside that was done today:

I got some pictures of the inside/floors today.

Den/School Room

Guest Room

Hubby's Office

The Hallway (rough cut, no glue)

Our bedroom
 So July should be our move-in month!  Praying!

Monday, June 24, 2024

Ordering New Baseboard Trim!

 Today I was able to get in touch with a local guy who sells trim and order new baseboards and a little shoe molding for our house!  It will help cover the edges of the new flooring and finish out the house!  I can't wait!  He'll deliver it on Wednesday.

More work is supposed to be done on the house tomorrow (the dirt under the front porch and whatever needs to be done under the house).  Hopefully they can get it done in a day or so.  Fingers crossed!  

We'll see if July is our month.  We really need the money we've been paying in rent to cover other things - so the sooner we can move the better!  We also need to be in before the baby comes!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

More Work on the Floor

 Hubby and I worked on the floor more today.  We glued down the other half of our bedroom, trimmed the edge by the bathroom, and cut for the bathroom door threshold.  We also cut for the hallway, which involved cutting off the extra 4'8" and then making a slit for where the hallway forms an L-shape.  We loosely put it in place.  We still have several rooms left:

Max's Room
The small section in front of the door of Hubby's Office
The Hall Bath
The Laundry Room
The Kitchen & Dining Room
The Living Room
Our Bathroom
The small section in front of our bedroom door

But we may leave most of the work for when hubby's family comes to help us move in.  Some of the bigger rooms may be tricky to get lined up.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Update on Inspection Results

 We finally heard back about the inspection results.  Turns out there are some spots under the front deck that need dirt added to them so we don't have pools of water collecting and there are some things under the house that need addressing, though I'm not exactly sure what...aside from the underbelly hole that needed patching (was that fixed?).  The movers will be going out there on Tuesday to do the dirt and hopefully whatever else is needed.

We're going out there on Saturday to continue the work on the floor.  We're trying to figure out if we'll be going out there Sunday too, but we would have to take Max with us...not sure we want him out in the heat all day.  

After getting some feedback from some other DIYers, I've figured out that I'll need to strip the other cabinet doors and drawers with the same paint stripper that I used to remove the paint so that they all have the same finish and are ready for painting/staining.  I think I left the stripper at the new house so I'll have to pick it up on Saturday.  

I also really want to start painting the fireplace (sigh).  So much to do!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Waiting to Hear Back about Inspection Results

I am still waiting to hear back from the movers about how our inspection went on Sunday.  

I have also been thinking today that I should start working on painting the cabinet doors to get them ready.  If you remember, I have a lot of them to do!  There are also the ones that I didn't have to strip, but their texture is now different from the ones I did strip.  As you can see, the ones that weren't painted still have their original sheen to them (top) and the ones that were painted now have the sheen removed and have more of a sanded smooth texture (bottom).  I'm not sure how to make the unpainted ones match the others?  Do they need to be sanded?

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Continuing work on the floor

 Hubby & I went out to the house yesterday to work on the flooring more.  We finished gluing down the floor in the den/school room, glued down the majority of it in hubby's office & closet, and glued down half of it in our bedroom.  We also started figuring out which pieces would cover other areas of the house that weren't marked on the plan we were given.  

The skirting is done and it seems the French drain was done.  We were told the movers would send someone out to inspect the whole property today.  We're also trying to figure out what we can do for a walk way to the front of the house. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Checking on the progress

 Max wasn't feeling well Friday night so we took Saturday off to let him get better.  I drove out to the house this morning to check on the skirting progress and take a few measurements for the flooring.  

The skirting is all done and the movers said this week won't have any rain in the forecast so they're going to do the French drain!  Once that's done we should be ready for their sticker of approval and inspection!  

The access panel was put on the front of the house instead of the back and there are fewer air vents in the skirting than before.  I'm sure they put in what was necessary.  It looks good!  Just needs to be cleaned off with a good hosing.  

I saw a fox out the window and a bird flew in through the front door (I had it open).  I got it to fly back out the door pretty quickly.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Laying down the Flooring!

Second layer of block going in on the front

Second layer of block on the back

A spot in the underbelly that will need to be repaired

 Hubby and I went out to the house today and yesterday and worked on gluing down the floor in 3 different rooms.  We were also told by the movers that they had an "all hands on deck" project and will have to pick up where they left off with the block laying and skirting and grading this week (as long as the rain keeps away).  

Anyway, we finished the flooring in the guest room (minus the closet) and we got 90% of the school room done.  We also started gluing down the flooring in hubby's office. 

Hubby's office (just glued down that back section)

Guest room, looking toward the closet (all done, minus closet)

Guest room, looking in from the doorway (all done)

School Room (90% done)
There are still some places where the original vinyl flooring is sticking up and we're alternating between stapling it down so it's flat for putting the new vinyl over top of it, and just ripping it up.  There's so much in the school room that we're stapling it down, so we have to do that first before we can finish gluing down the floor that is against the wall you can't see in the picture above.  

Hubby's office also has some old vinyl sticking up, but we may rip it up if we don't have enough staples.  We ripped out the vinyl in the hallway so now it's all a flat level surface.

We are so in love with the way it looks!  It's going to look amazing with freshly painted walls, once we get to that step!

My dad wasn't able to get out to work on re-framing the doors this weekend.  Hopefully next weekend will work better.