Tuesday, September 10, 2024

HVAC Rewiring Done!

 Today, I got up at the butt crack of dawn to first drive over to my mom's to pick up the guest bed and some wall decorations she had for me.  When I drove out to the house to meet the HVAC guy who was able to come out and rewire our condenser unit electric wires.  He not only got the work done but also upgraded the wire to one that can better handle the electric load (the old one was just barely passable, so for safety's sake he changed it).  It should pass now!    

As I was leaving, I noticed that the Highway Dept had gone down the other street and dug a drainage ditch along where our mailbox is going...and the little orange flag that was there to mark it was gone!  I got out to look for it to no avail and ended up talking to the neighbor across the street.  I learned that he and his wife have kids the same age as ours.  It's so nice meeting people that we can be close to and have future play dates!  

We should be getting the permit re-pulled so the inspection can be redone on Thursday (Lord willing!).  Once we pass we should be good for getting electricity!   

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